insight for executives on the moveapril 2018TMYour free take-home copy - exclusive to Airlink passengersGetting the gig Namibia’s adventure capital Knysna rises from the ashes Dessert and beer Can sleep deprivation help with depression?To do list:Digital accessibility gives rise to a more flexible workforceRoyale Sofa | Milan Chair | Biedermeier Coffee TableFourways | Kramerville | Pretoria | Mbombela | Cape TownWorldwide DeliveryRoyale Sofa | Milan Chair | Biedermeier Coffee TableFourways | Kramerville | Pretoria | Mbombela | Cape TownWorldwide Delivery404 18insight for executives on the moveinteractOct-Dec 201724,005 (certified) for executives on the moveapril 2018TMYour free take-home copy - exclusive to Airlink passengersYour free take-home copy - exclusive to Airlink passengersGetting the gig Namibia’s adventure capital Knysna rises from the ashes Dessert and beer Can sleep deprivation help with depression?To do list:Digital accessibility gives rise to a more fl exible workforceapril 2018celebrating 22 years of publishing excellenceThe gig economy is changing the way we workIt’s not like the old days …While we might still have an aged relative somewhere who had to walk to school, five miles uphill in the snow on the way there and seven miles on broken glass all the way home (and also uphill, somehow), it’s true that, generally speaking, the way we live life now has changed to the extent that everyone is at least beginning to get on board with the need to plan and strategise differently.Everywhere, boundaries are being, if not actively moved, then at least massaged and cajoled into being repositioned. Where we are our most important resources, we need to learn how to share the insight with others (see Scrutinise and surpass on page 34). Where we’re not exactly certain of which of a selection of approaches might be best for us, taking advice from a range of sources could be a good call (see Get out of your rut on page 38). And where a difficult problem might be persisting, being open to considering counter-intuitive solutions could be the way forward you’ve been desperate for (see Sleep deprivation could help fight depression on page 44).If that all seems a bit heavy, drop it a few notches and simply change the way you make dessert – by adding a beer (see Beeramisu on page 92)!Happy reading, and travel safely.Bruce DennillEditorSkyways Magazine is published monthly and distributed via Airlink. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this magazine in whole or in part is prohibited without prior written permission of Panorama Media Corp (Pty) Ltd. Copyright © 1994-2018 Panorama Media Corp (Pty) Ltd. The views expressed in Skyways Magazine are not necessarily those of Panorama Media Corp or Airlink, and the acceptance and publication of editorial and advertising material in Skyways Magazine does not imply any endorsement or warranty in respect of goods or services therein described, whether by Skyways Magazine or the publishers. Skyways Magazine will not be held responsible for the safe return of unsolicited editorial contributions. The Editor reserves the right to edit material submitted and in appropriate cases to translate into another language. Skyways Magazine reserves the right to reject any advertising or editorial material, which may not suit the standard of the publication, without reason given. Editorial material accepted for publication in Skyways becomes the property of Panorama Media Corp.Executive Briefs, Corporate Briefs and Knowledge Profiles™ are solicited advertorial features in this magazine.Skyways Magazine is published by Panorama Media Corp on behalf of Airlink. 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Nelspruit KMIA further connects you to Vilanculos, gateway to the Bazaruto and Benguerra islands.fl @fl y_airlink Fly Airlink604 18ANTANANARIVO BEIRA BLOEMFONTEIN BULAWAYO CAPETOWN DURBAN EAST LONDON GABARONE GEORGE HARARE JOHANNESBURG KASANE KIMBERLEY LIVINGSTONE LUSAKA MABUTO MASERU MAUN MTHATHA NAMPULA NDOLA NELSPRUIT NOSY BE PEMBA PHALABORWA PIETERMARITZBURG POLOKWANE PRETORIA SIKHUPE SISHEN SKUKUZA TETE UPINGTON VILANKULOS WINDHOEKTAKE-OFF 10 News in briefBite-size bulletin14 ForecastThe future is now58 Sky caféAccommodation and services directory75 Flight schedulesAirlink lodge-hopping and regional timetablesBUSINESS, TRADE & INDUSTRY32 See the world, they said …Nine reasons to begin a career in the tourism industry34 Scrutinise and surpass‘Good enough for the locals’, and other dangerous myths to avoid36 Moving targetThe data on your phone is probably safer than it might be elsewhere38 Get out of your rutTop South African coaches give advice about how to break stagnant routines 40 Savouring savingUsing tax-free savings accounts and retirement annuities can benefit your financial well-being42 Getting the gigDigital accessibility is giving rise to a more flexible workforce323614contentscontentsTAG HEUER CARRERA SPECIAL EDITIONTAGHeuer is the Offi cial Timekeeper and Team Performance Partner of Aston Martin RedBullRacing. 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